Friday 28 June 2013

PSSA Club and Website Winning Images for June 2013

The PSSA Winning Club and Website image for June 2013 have been announced.

A big thank you to all the clubs that did enter. The popularity and the standard of this competition has grown over the last couple of months.

Club Winning Picture of the Month

The Junior winner for June was James Haxton from the Sandton Camera Club with his image "The Slip".

"The Slip" by James Haxton | Sandton Camera Club | Junior Winner

The senior winner was Alastair Fraser from Westville Camera Club with his image "Underberg Sunrise".

"Underberg Sunrise" by Alastair Fraser | Westville Camera Club | Senior Winner

The judges for this month were Susan Myburg from Kathu, Louisa Scheepers from Vanderbijlpark and Henk Scheepers also from Vanderbijlpark.

The Website Picture of the month was "Aero Cross" by Pieter Venter from Westville CC. 

"Aero Cross" by Pieter Venter | Westville Camera Club | Website Picture of the Month
All the images and the results can be viewed on the PSSA website.

Congratulations to everybody that won.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Sunflower Fund's Photos for Hope Photographic Competition 2013

Support the Sunflower Fund by entering their photographic competition and help raise the funds needed to recruit lifesaving bone marrow stem cell donors to help save the lives of patients suffering from life threatening blood disorders like leukemia.

The Sunflower Fund in conjunction with Nikon in South Africa will be hosting a Photographic Competition for amateurs and professionals alike, winners will be awarded prizes at an awards ceremony to be held at the Nikon Head Office.

The competition will end on Thursday 1 August 2013.

Support this worthy cause be entering two (2) of your best photo images accompanied with an inspirational thought or quote which inspired the photo. Entries must be sent to Ingrid at

Professional judges will select the top 10 winning photographs and 42 others to form The Sunflower Fund's "Inspirational Images and Quotes of Hope" desk calendar to be printed and sold regionally.

R100 000 up for grabs and fabulous prizes to be won.

Please use this link to The Sunflower Fund Website Click Here and read the terms and conditions carefully.

Finalists will be invited to join The Sunflower Fund and Nikon in SA for an award's ceremony on Saturday 12 October 2013 at Nikon's Head Office in Centurion.

Good luck to all potential candidates and thank you for supporting The Sunflower Fund.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

MCC Newsletter - June 2013

Hi Everyone

Hope you are all bearing up in this cold weather that has set in. Then again, it also brings with it many challenges for different types of photography and as always we love to see and share our images at the club.

Closing dates for the Open entries is Wednesday 12 June 2013 and Set Subject is Saturday 15 June 2013, which this month is "Birds".

This month all the judging will be done on the night due to various technical problems that occur every now and then as we all know.  Jack Wynberg, who is our main presenter and judge is a great bird photographer who aspired very much in the days of slides and film. He continues now still in bird photography in the digital age.  It is a privilege and honour as always to have someone of this caliber visit and present at our Club.

To register on our blog which looks like this you must do the following:

  • Go to;
  • Enter your email address in the block where it says: "Follow By Email" on the top rigth corner;
  • You will then need to enter a unique indentifier code;
  • You will receive an email, asking you to verify your email address, where you just click on the link.
You will now receive the monthly newsletter and any other important information concerning the club.

Please as always if you need further information on this you must contact Nico or myself to help you.   Nico is trying to get all our members emails registered on the blog, so if you get notification, please register.

It is great we are getting new members joining and new visitors every month which is encouraging and I can see that by next year we may have to close the membership if it gets too busy for the venue.

Next month July, the Club night will be run by Francois Rousseau as I will be on my way back from the Arctic and the speaker will be Garth McQuade on underwater photography and the set subject will be reflections in water.

We will be holding our AGM in September as that will be just over a year since we started the Club.   Our Financial year- end closes end of June and subs will be due again for the forthcoming year in July.   More details of this will be given to you on my return from the Arctic.

As members you must start thinking about Committee Members and duties to be covered and of course matters that need to be discussed further. It has been a great year for Midrand in many ways establishing a club with different approaches and ideas but still conforming to Club Photography on the whole.   Teething problems have been experienced but these all seem to be settling down now..

There has been a great team working in the different aspects of club formation, club duties and generally keeping it up to standard with new challenges, new learnings for all and still some great ideas in the pipeline.

We ran a very successful Salon and our name is down to run another one in March next year which will be a Colour Salon this time round.

We will be participating in the Inter Club Competition, which is judged by last year’s winning Club, which was AFO and the results will be presented at Congress in St Lucia in September.  The Committee will sort out the images to be entered into this event, as there are specific rules and regulations to be followed but we may ask you to send some extra images at some stage.    This will only be done when I return from the Arctic.

Congratulations to all who have entered Salons or competitions recently and have done well – remember Nico must get a note of these as these do count to your promotion from 3 star upwards.

As always you know to contact me if there is still something you need to know.  For July you will need to contact Francois Rousseau on 0725387555 (Cell No.) or email or Nico  at .

Please do not hesitate to ask us any further questions next Wednesday evening at the meeting, we always like to make time.

Have a great Fathers Day and a great holiday on Monday.  We look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday.

Best wishes

President – MCC.


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Club Images

The web album with all the images that was entered for May 2013, together with the results and the comments on the open sections can be found here:

Ballet Photo Opportunity

The International Ballet Gala (IBG) is the local dance industry's preeminent social and performance event of 2013.

The starry line-up, featuring dancers from Australia, Brazil, China, Cuba, Russia, South Korea and the United States, performs a repertoire of magnificent classic ballet showpieces in honor of the legendary Alicia Alonso who will be coming to South Africa from Havana, Cuba to attend the tribute. Johannesburg's salute to Madame Alonso follows similar celebrations in her honour in Moscow and New York. The International Ballet Galas are being presented by ballet entrepreneur Dirk Badenhorst, an admirer of Madame Alonso ever since he began his association with Cuba ballet in 2008.

Six principal dancers from National Ballet of Cuba will be joined by dancers from other major ballet companies, including our own Joburg-based South African Mzansi Ballet (SAMB) for five ballet galas to perform in the IBG.

We would like to invite you and the members of the Photographic Society of South Africa to join us for an exclusive behind the scenes rehearsal with all these world class dancers. There is space to seat more that 1000 people in the theater where you and other guests will be able to capture moments in rehearsal with all the talented dancers from across the globe.

Details are:

Venue: The Teatro, Monte Casino
Date 1: Wednesday June 26, 2013 at 16:00 to 19:00
Date 2: Thursday June 27, 2013 at 12:00 to 14:00
Date 3*: Friday June 28, 2013 at 12:30 to 14:30

*Please note that Friday's rehearsal is an optional one for the dancers. If they all feel ready for the evening performances, they may not have the rehearsal on the Friday afternoon.

If you are interested in attending, please send an email to Anton la Grange ( with your name and the date that suits you.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


All Audio Visual enthusiasts worldwide are cordially invited to enter the Port Elizabeth Camera Club International Audio Visual Festival.

The Audio Visual Festival will be held in Port Elizabeth and partly at De Rust, South Africa during March and April 2014.

All entrants as well as Audio Visual enthusiasts are welcome to attend - add your name to our contact list and we will send you more information regarding the event as soon as it becomes available,


Festival Director
Roel van Oudheusden
Telephone: 041 367 3994
Mobile: 082 739 7679

Postal address for entries:

PECC AV Festival
PO Box 5237
Walmer, Port Elizabeth
South Africa

Festival Timetable:

15 March 2014: Entries close
21 - 22 March 2014: Live judging in Port Elizabeth
Public show will now be part of the April 2014 PSSA AV Convention at De Rust
25 March 2014: Results emailed
25 April 2014: Awards posted

Conditions of entry:

There is only one category - Open.

Photographers are encouraged to explore the photographic medium and to use it to communicate their own personal vision incorporating feeling, senses and imagination to the viewer. The photography is not restricted in any way, neither in subject matter nor manipulation during the taking or reproduction stages of the photography.

Entry is open to single entrants, groups and clubs. All participants must be disclosed on the entry form.

Entrants may submit any number of AV's but are limited to a combined total duration of 15 minutes.


Submission of an entry implies that the entrant has obtained any necessary licences or permission to use any copyright material included in the sequence.


From 1024 x 768 px (4:3 aspect ratio) up to 1920 x 1080 px (16:9 aspect ratio) may be submitted.

File size:

The file size of a sequence should not exceed 500Mb.

AV's may contain the entrant's name and should acknowledge the work of other artists (eg music).

AV's may be submitted on a CD or DVD to the postal address above or via an internet service provider such as, Google docs, etc. but need to be received prior to the closing date.

Email your entry form (with tracking number, if applicable) to the Festival Director so that we can follow up on the arrival of your CD/DVD/file transfer.

Enquire if you do not get an email confirming receipt of your entry by 18 March 2014.

We encourage clubs and groups to combine their entries on one CD/DVD and to make one payment to save postage, packing and bank charges.

No entries will be returned and disks will be destroyed after judging.

Entry fee and method of payment:

South African entrants:
R100 per entrant (one or more AV's) for PECC or PSSA members
R200 per entrant (one or more AV's) for non members
Payments must be made by electronic transfer to:
PECC, Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth, branch code 050417, current account number 08040734
Use your surname and name + "AV Festival" as reference on the bank transfer.
No cash deposits please.
Include proof of payment with your entry form.

International entrants:
€20 per entrant (one or more AV's) via PayPal to

Entries without full payment will not be judged.

Your entry:

Your CD/DVD/file transfer must contain one folder comprising of the following files:

  1. Entry form (excel identification sheet) fully completed and saved with your name and surname e.g. Tom Jones.cls
  2. Your AV's with files named correctly, i.e. sequence file has number and title only e.g. 01 Yellowstone.exe, 02 Mardigras.mp4
  3. Small portrait(s) of author(s) included as 512x768 px jpeg saved as e.g. Tom Jones.jpg
  4. A flyer or poster for each sequence entered (800 x 600 px jpeg format) saved as e.g. Yellowstone.jpg
  5. Each entrant must supply a summary in English of each of the audiovisual works entered.
  6. Proof of payment with your name as reference (EFT for SA entrants and PayPal for entrants abroad).

Judging and Judges:

All entries will be projected on a big screen fro judging and viewed in the order of receipt by the organisers.

The judging panel will use the standard PSSA AV scoring guidelines to rank the entries and select the acceptances and award winners.

Judging Panel:

Adri van Oudheusden FPSSA
Barrie Wilkins Hon MPSSA, FPSSA (Dux),  Hon FRPS, Hon PSA, FPSA, ESFIAP, EFIAP

Results, Awards and Exhibition:

Both FIAP and PSSA Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be awarded by the judges. FIAP Ribbons and Certificates of Merit may be issued on the recommendation of the judges.

Entrants will be advised of the results by email. No acceptance cards will be issued. Results will be published on the PSSA website.

The first public screening of selected works will be during the April 2014 PSSA Audio Visual Convention at De Rust.

Submissions of entry implies permission by the author for the sequences to be shown in public at the above mentioned event.