Tuesday 11 June 2013

MCC Newsletter - June 2013

Hi Everyone

Hope you are all bearing up in this cold weather that has set in. Then again, it also brings with it many challenges for different types of photography and as always we love to see and share our images at the club.

Closing dates for the Open entries is Wednesday 12 June 2013 and Set Subject is Saturday 15 June 2013, which this month is "Birds".

This month all the judging will be done on the night due to various technical problems that occur every now and then as we all know.  Jack Wynberg, who is our main presenter and judge is a great bird photographer who aspired very much in the days of slides and film. He continues now still in bird photography in the digital age.  It is a privilege and honour as always to have someone of this caliber visit and present at our Club.

To register on our blog which looks like this you must do the following:

  • Go to midrandcameraclub.blogspot.com;
  • Enter your email address in the block where it says: "Follow By Email" on the top rigth corner;
  • You will then need to enter a unique indentifier code;
  • You will receive an email, asking you to verify your email address, where you just click on the link.
You will now receive the monthly newsletter and any other important information concerning the club.

Please as always if you need further information on this you must contact Nico or myself to help you.   Nico is trying to get all our members emails registered on the blog, so if you get notification, please register.

It is great we are getting new members joining and new visitors every month which is encouraging and I can see that by next year we may have to close the membership if it gets too busy for the venue.

Next month July, the Club night will be run by Francois Rousseau as I will be on my way back from the Arctic and the speaker will be Garth McQuade on underwater photography and the set subject will be reflections in water.

We will be holding our AGM in September as that will be just over a year since we started the Club.   Our Financial year- end closes end of June and subs will be due again for the forthcoming year in July.   More details of this will be given to you on my return from the Arctic.

As members you must start thinking about Committee Members and duties to be covered and of course matters that need to be discussed further. It has been a great year for Midrand in many ways establishing a club with different approaches and ideas but still conforming to Club Photography on the whole.   Teething problems have been experienced but these all seem to be settling down now..

There has been a great team working in the different aspects of club formation, club duties and generally keeping it up to standard with new challenges, new learnings for all and still some great ideas in the pipeline.

We ran a very successful Salon and our name is down to run another one in March next year which will be a Colour Salon this time round.

We will be participating in the Inter Club Competition, which is judged by last year’s winning Club, which was AFO and the results will be presented at Congress in St Lucia in September.  The Committee will sort out the images to be entered into this event, as there are specific rules and regulations to be followed but we may ask you to send some extra images at some stage.    This will only be done when I return from the Arctic.

Congratulations to all who have entered Salons or competitions recently and have done well – remember Nico must get a note of these as these do count to your promotion from 3 star upwards.

As always you know to contact me if there is still something you need to know.  For July you will need to contact Francois Rousseau on 0725387555 (Cell No.) or email  francois@keepitsimple.co.za or Nico  at midrandclub@gmail.com .

Please do not hesitate to ask us any further questions next Wednesday evening at the meeting, we always like to make time.

Have a great Fathers Day and a great holiday on Monday.  We look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday.

Best wishes

President – MCC.


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