Thursday 19 September 2013

September 2013 | Web Album with All the Images

The webalbum that includes all the images that were entered last night, is available using the following link:

September 2013 | Webalbum

September 2013 | Category Winners

Here are all the category winners for September 2013:

Monochrome | "Travel with Dad" | Ken van Wyk |

Nature | "We Three" | Theresa van der Byl

Pictorial | "Josh" | Peter van der Byl

Photojournalism | "We Are Bad Guys" | Bibi Andrews

Photo Travel | "Black Hmong Lady" | Anton la Grange

Set Subject [Shadows] | "The Director" | Anton la Grange | Overall Winner for the Evening

September 2013 | COM Winners

Here are all the COM awards for September 2013. Congratulations to everybody:

"Elephant Tussle at Dusk" | Stelios Micha

"My Space" | Johan du Rand

"Hippo Kiss" | Pierre Smith

"We Three" | Theresa van der Byl

"Forgotten" | Johan du Rand

"Josh" | Peter van der Byl

"Black Hmong Lady" | Anton la Grange

"The Director" | Anton la Grange

Friday 6 September 2013

Midrand Camera Club Newsletter - September 2013

Hi Everyone

You will find attached to this Newsletter, Notice of the AGM, President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Copy of Constitution and copy of the Minutes of the Confirmation of the formation of the Club in 2012.

The Constitution is basically as it was at the formation of the Club, it has been simplified and as such must be accepted and approved at our AGM.

The present committee is willing to all stand again – any further nominations for the Committee must be forwarded to me at by the latest Friday 13 September.   Positions of E-Newsletter Editor and Webmaster, which we would like to fill can be outwith the Committee and we would really like members to come forward, if they feel they have some expertise in this field and would like to volunteer to do this job for us.

The Programme for our meeting on 18 September will be the AGM, followed by my husband and I doing our presentation on our Arctic Expedition.

Your Open entries must be entered by Wednesday 11 September into Photovault, the judge for this month is myself.    The set subject for this month is Shadows and must be entered by Saturday 14 September.

A reminder that Annual fees must be paid by the end of September, thank you to those who have paid.   Unpaid members will not be allowed to enter the October Competition.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all on 18 September.


Notice of the 1st Annual General Meeting of Midrand Camera Club

Notice is hereby given of the 1st Annual General Meeting of Midrand Camera Club to be held on 18 September 2013, at Nikon Headquarters, Midrand at 19:00


  1. Welcome and Confirmation of a Quorum
  2. As no previous AGM, confirmation of notice of formation of club meeting and first meeting held on 18 May 2012 and 28 June 2012 respectively
  3. President's report
  4. Treasurer's report
  5. Ratification of subscriptions for the coming year
  6. Committee election *
  7. The Constitution has been simplified since the club's inception and is now presented to the members for approval
  8. General
  9. Closure
*The current committee:
  • President: Evelyn Gibson
  • Vice president: Ken van Wyk
  • Treasurer: Bibi Andrews
  • Secretary / Projectionist: Nico Strydom
  • Assistant projectionist: Pierre Smith
  • Members portfolio: Elsie Nel
  • PSSA Rep: Francois Rousseau
  • Committee member: Anton la Grange

Notice of Formation of the Midrand Camera Club

MIDRAND CAMERA CLUB was founded on 18 May 2012 and they held their first
meeting on 28thJune 2012 at the Nikon Premises, Midrand and this was attended by the
following guests:

  • Johan van der Walt : PSSA President
  • Stefan van der Walt: CEO of Nikon
  • Francois Roux: Chairman of PSSA Excom
  • PSSA National Directors
  • PSSA Regional Directors
Names of the founder members are Evelyn Gibson, Sarel Naude, Bibi Andrews, Ken van Wyk, Morne Grobler, Chris Mulder and Nico Strydom.

Following this, the procedure of monthly meetings was explained to those present, The club's first monthly meeting took place on 18 July 2013.

Evelyn Gibson

President's Report of the Midrand Camera Club

June 2012 to September 2013

It gives me great pleasure to present my report for 2012/2013.

The Club was formed in June 2012 through the need to establish another Club in this area.
The Steering Committee in conjunction with Centurion Camera Club, our neighbouring club,
had informal meetings, formal meetings in the process of setting up the Club.

One of the objectives was to establish and manage a club where members can improve their
photography techniques in an atmosphere of a co-operative and sharing environment but
mainly to enjoy this hobby of photography.

This club has, I feel achieved this in many ways :

1. Giving something back to photography in many ways by sharing with one another,
continuing to keep up with the trends, helping one another and especially
encouraging new people to this wonderful hobby of ours.

2. Using the method of remote judging for our Open Sections each month has meant
that, each image has received constructive comments from 1 star through to 5
star. The set subject every month was always judged on the night, which also gave us
constructive feedback to be given to each image.

3. A practical/educational presentation was given at each club night on topics such a
Portrature, Landscape Photography, Wildlife, Bird photography, monochrome,
macro, sport/action,travel, natural back lighting, creative landscapes, underwater
photography and back to basic photography. All the Presenters were top
photographers in SA and experts in their field of photography. We were very
honoured to have them give of their time to our Club.

We hosted the Gauteng North Regional Congress as well as the AV Festival and we are
continually indebted to Nikon for their use of their superb premises and we hope we can
continue to have this pleasure.

We had a Mono Salon in February this year which brought in a reasonable good income for us
and our thanks go to Anton Le Grange for the hard work that he put in as Salon Director for this
Salon, it ran with no major hiccups.

We had one outing to the Rhino Park for a week- end, thanks to Ken for organizing this, this
proved to be a great week- end to enjoy one another’s company in a more relaxed atmosphere.
We hope to have more of these in the coming year.

We have experienced from our members some real stunning images since the club began and
look forward to many many more.

Many of our members have achieved awards, medals, accolades outwith the club both here in
SA and overseas – we congratulate them all and wish them continued success in the coming

We continue to support all PSSA competitions, salons etc., which gives us as members the
opportunity to compete against the whole of SA.

The Committee has been a hardworking Committee since our inception. We lost two of our
original members Sarel Naude and Morne Grobler due to business and other commitments but
they continue to assist when and where they could. We co-opted Pierre and Elsie onto the

The Committee has been :

myself as President.
Ken van Wyk as Vice President/Workshop Co-ordinator
Bibi Andrews as Treasurer
Nico Strydom as Competition Secretary and Projectionist
Pierre Smith as Assistant Projectionist
Elsie Nel as Members Portfolio
Anton Le Grange as Assistant Projectionist
Francois Rousseau as PSSA Rep.

All members of the Committee are willing to stand again. We will have the option to co-opt
further members to assist with the running of the club when and where necessary. I personally
would like to thank my committee, without them Midrand Camera Club would not be where it is
today. Everyone has done a job WELL DONE.


We will be running another Salon in March next year under the Directorship of Pierre, this will
be a colour salon this time round.

We are looking at going HD with our projection and the possibility of buying our own projector
is in the pipeline.

We are re-vamping our rule book and this is at present an on-going project but when finalized
will be forwarded to all members.

We are looking at more workshops and outings for the coming year.

We will be having a year- end function to congratulate all our members and thank them for their
support during this past year.

I would like to finish this year’s report with the Photographic Oath that I started the Club with
last year when we were established.

Photographic Oath
Written by the late Dr. Dave Wimpey, LPSSA

I swear to fulfil, to the best of my ability and judgement, this covenant.

I will respect the hard won gains of those photographers in whose steps I walk and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will promote photography, for the benefit of all those who enjoy a beautiful image, without prejudice to the method used to capture or display the image.

I will remember that there is art to photography as well as science, and that, in the end, the viewer's subjective reaction to the images as works of art, with as much prominence as any painting or other form of art.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call on my colleagues when the skills of another are needed to help me grow as a photographer.

I will respect the taste and subjectivity of those who view my photographs.

I will remember that I remain a member of the photographic community, with special obligations to all my fellow photographers, to build this exciting hobby and not to bring it into disrepute.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my hobby and may I long experience the joy of viewing a beautiful photograph.

I still feel these thoughts have great meaning and strength and I hope Midrand and its members will continue to ponder them while continuing to grow in our photography.


Treasurer's Report of the Midrand Camera Club
July 2012 to June 2013

Affiliated to the Photographic Society of Southern Africa (PSSA).

The name of the Club shall be the MIDRAND CAMERA CLUB 

The Club shall have for its aims:

  1. (a)  The association of persons interested in the art, craft and practice of photography; and
  2. (b)  The general advancement of photography in all its branches.
  1. (a)  The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee consisting of a minimum of five members and a maximum of eight, of which there shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a minimum of two Ordinary members.
  2. (b)  Committee members shall be elected annually by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting. In the same election, the positions of Vice-President and President shall be elected or confirmed at the AGM.
  3. (c)  The Committee, during the course of their year of office, shall be empowered to co-opt such additional officers to serve on the Committee as it deems necessary, up to a maximum of five.
  4. (d)  The Committee as elected at the Annual General Meeting shall at its first Committee Meeting elect a member of the Committee to the office of Treasurer, and appoint any Committee Member or Volunteer to carry out various duties: Secretary, Competition Secretary, Workshop/lecturers/Judges Co-ordinator, Editor of e-Newsletter, Members Portfolio, Projectionist, Webmaster.
  5. (e)  The Committee shall have the sole management and disposition of the affairs, property and (subject to Section 7) funds of the Club.
  6. (f)  The Office of President, and the Offices of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and any of the Committee Members shall be vacated only by resignation, death or by non-attendance at three consecutive Committee meetings without apologies, and the Committee shall have the power to fill any such vacancy for the remainder of the current year
  7. (g)  All members of the Committee shall retire at the end of one year's service and if having indicated their availability to stand for re-election will be required to be proposed and seconded for the Committee
  8. (h)  The same person may not hold the office of President for more than two consecutive years
  9. (i)  No salary or any Honorarium shall be paid to any Office-bearer of the Club.
  10. (j)  The Committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings at all its meetings and these shall be approved and signed by the President as is common practice
  11. (k)  The Secretary of the Club shall be responsible for the keeping of these minutes, the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meetings, together with letters or electronic communications received or sent.
    (l) The duties of the Treasurer of the Club are as stated in Section 7, Clause (b). 

The Membership of the Club shall be as follows:

  1. (a)  Ordinary Members
  2. (b)  Student or Learner Members, who are members under eighteen years of age or still at school or studying full- time.
  3. (c)  Honorary Life Members, who may be nominated by the Committee for special services to the Club or to photography in general
  4. (d)  Candidates for membership must complete the Club’s application form
  5. (e)  Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Committee for acceptance at their discretion
  6. (f)  Candidates who have been accepted as members of the Club must pay their Annual Subscriptions within three months of acceptance, otherwise they shall be removed forthwith from the membership
  7. (g)  Members of the photographic trade shall be classed as ordinary members and never more than two such members shall be elected to the Committee for the same year
  8. (h)  Each member, upon acceptance, shall be presented with a copy of the Competition Rules and Constitution of the Club by which they should abide.
  9. (i)  All members of the Club in good standing shall have equal voting powers at all meetings of the Club
  10. (j)  Notice of any change of address must be given in writing (which may be by email), otherwise due notice shall be deemed to have been given if material is sent to such member's last known email or postal address.
  11. (k)  All members may introduce visitors to ordinary meetings of the Club. Such visitors must sign the attendance Register, and after attending three meetings as a visitor, are obliged to apply for membership before attending further meetings.
  12. (l)  Any member wishing to resign from the Club must give notice of this to the Secretary and/or Membership Portfolio Person and pay any fees etc., due to the Club before such resignation shall take effect.
  1. (a)  The Annual Subscriptions to the Club are to be ratified at each Annual General Meeting.
  2. (b)  Subscriptions shall be due on the 1st of July each year and shall be payable in advance to either the Treasurer or Membership Portfolio Person of the Club, who must issue an official receipt for cash.
  3. (c)  Members joining the Club after the 1st of January of any year shall be liable to pay only half of the Annual Subscription
  4. (d)  Members whose Subscription is three months in arrear and who fail to pay within one month of notice by the Treasurer shall cease to be members of the Club, at the discretion of the Committee.
The following meetings shall constitute the activities of the Club:
  1. (a)  Ordinary Meetings shall take place once a month, except in December, at such time and place as arranged by the Committee and announced in the Club's monthly magazine, newsletter or by e-mail.
  2. (b)  Outings or Workshops shall take place as communicated at Ordinary Meetings or via electronic means.
  3. (c)  The Annual General Meeting shall take place in the month of September of each year, at which meeting the President's report and the Financial Statement shall be submitted, and the Annual Membership Subscriptions shall be ratified. The election of a new Committee shall be held at this meeting.
Special General Meetings may be convened by the Committee when considered necessary, or upon receipt of a request for such, detailing the reason(s), motions to be tabled etc, signed by at least ten (10) members.

Special General Meetings shall be called, if at all possible, so as to coincide with an ordinary meeting, and seven days' notice of such Meeting must be given to all members by the Secretary.

At the Annual General and at any Special General Meeting, 20% of the members of the Club shall constitute a quorum.

Should a quorum not be present, then the next ordinary meeting will be deemed to be the Annual General Meeting, and the members there present shall form a quorum.

The Committee shall meet once a month/and or communication via email to conduct and discuss the affairs of the Club. 

At least three (3) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

A committee member who has given a written or emailed report on all allocated actions and is unable to attend a committee meeting, will be deemed to have been present for the purposes of forming a quorum.

Any decision of the committee made in a meeting without a quorum of members present, and subsequently ratified by the email vote of at least 4 members, will be deemed to have been approved.

The President or Vice-President, or in their absence, a member elected by the meeting, may chair an Ordinary meeting.

Additional informal meetings of the Club or its special interest groups may be arranged as required by members

  1. (a)  The Funds of the Club shall be deposited with a local branch of an approved Bank and signing powers shall reside with the Treasurer and additional committee members as specified in a written committee resolution. The signatories to the bank account may, at the discretion of the committee, also have the rights to operate internet banking on behalf of the Club.
  2. (b)  All payments shall be made by the Treasurer and approved of by the Committee.
  3. (c)  Accounts shall be kept of all disbursements and expenditure. Any amounts of more than five hundred rands (R500) must be approved in advance by the Committee.
  4. (d)  The Financial Statement shall be prepared by the Treasurer, verified by the Committee and thereafter presented to the Annual General Meeting for approval.
  5. (e)  Committee members shall keep records and vouchers of any petty disbursements and payments made by them. These payments are to be approved by the President and Treasurer.

In the event of any changes, additions or amendments to this Constitution being considered necessary, notice of motion shall be given thereof to Club members by the President or Secretary in writing, at least seven days prior to:
(a) (b) (c)

an Annual General Meeting; or
a Special General Meeting called in accordance with Section 6, Clause (d).

Changes to the constitution must be approved by a majority of the members present and forming a quorum at such a meeting.

If the Club is dissolved for any reason this decision shall be taken at a properly convened and constituted Special or Annual General Meeting. The assets of the Club, following dissolution, shall be disposed of as decided by ballot at such a meeting.