Friday 6 September 2013

Midrand Camera Club Newsletter - September 2013

Hi Everyone

You will find attached to this Newsletter, Notice of the AGM, President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Copy of Constitution and copy of the Minutes of the Confirmation of the formation of the Club in 2012.

The Constitution is basically as it was at the formation of the Club, it has been simplified and as such must be accepted and approved at our AGM.

The present committee is willing to all stand again – any further nominations for the Committee must be forwarded to me at by the latest Friday 13 September.   Positions of E-Newsletter Editor and Webmaster, which we would like to fill can be outwith the Committee and we would really like members to come forward, if they feel they have some expertise in this field and would like to volunteer to do this job for us.

The Programme for our meeting on 18 September will be the AGM, followed by my husband and I doing our presentation on our Arctic Expedition.

Your Open entries must be entered by Wednesday 11 September into Photovault, the judge for this month is myself.    The set subject for this month is Shadows and must be entered by Saturday 14 September.

A reminder that Annual fees must be paid by the end of September, thank you to those who have paid.   Unpaid members will not be allowed to enter the October Competition.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all on 18 September.


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