Monday 7 April 2014

PSSA North Gauteng Newletter for April 2014

Good Afternoon All

First of all my apologies for not communicating with you for sometime but I have been on holiday in the Cape so just now trying to get back to normal.

First of all CONGRATULATIONS again to all who achieved their Honours in the last Honours Awards.   I do hope the successful panels are being shown at the Clubs when possible as it is important for the members to see the standards etc., being upheld in the Honours.

Also CONGRATULATIONS to the new Club in this Region – Harties Fotografie Studiegroup under the Chairmanship of Jacques Engelbrecht, we look forward to hearing from you and your participation in PSSA and Regional events where and when possible.

As many of you probably have seen PSSA has started to send out a mail chip to its members.    This was a recent Board Decision, as it was felt even though information gets past to the Chairpersons of the Clubs, PSSA would like to keep in contact with its members.   Albeit we would still really encourage you to continue to do what you have been doing in including the PRO’s Newsletter, the winning images of the month into your newsletter, on your blog, on your web site etc., because this then gets to non PSSA members and hopefully motivates them to become members of PSSA.

As we all know new procedures like this have teething problems in getting it all set up but Petro,  our PRO will be taking this task on from end of April month and we will get our continued service that we have all experienced from that Portfolio over the past few years.

The most important aspect coming up soon is the nominations for Directors (not Regional Directors, so not me this time round – sorry got me for another year yet), please we would ask you, if you are a member of PSSA to participate in this fully as it is important for our Society to keep moving forward.    There will be more information on this, I am sure in the PRO’s next communication.

This Region did really well this month with the Junior PSSA winner – Pauline v.d. Spuy from Midrand Camera Club and the Web Site Competition – Riette Coetzer from Centurion Camera Club – the Region is very proud of both of them.   Please continue to enter these competitions every month and to encourage your members to enter the web site competition – you don’t have to be a member of PSSA to win the Club Junior and Senior Competition.

I am still doing my best to visit the Clubs in my Region and I think I am half way there for this year anyway.   Please call on me to assist, judge whenever and if it is suitable for me, I certainly will be more than happy to do so.   I so enjoy experiencing the work being done by the Clubs in this Region, it certainly is a strong Region.

Good Luck to the Clubs running Salons this year, some have already done so but still some on the Calendar.    It is hard work but very much appreciated.

If there is anything further you would like to know, please do not hesitate to call me.   Also if you do do an e-newsletter, Melanie, the webmaster puts it on the PSSA website under Gauteng North or you can just send to me and I will certainly get it on the web site for you.   It is great to read your newsletter and to hear and see what is going on in the Clubs.  

Our web site is always completely up to date under the efficiency of our webmaster Melanie Loubser who does a great job in keeping it that way.   Please keep checking it for all the updates.

Well until next time.

Best wishes


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