Monday 11 March 2013

Message from the President - 2013/02

Well into March and I do hope you have some lovely images in the bank for us and as always we look forward to seeing them.

We have had a very successful Mono Salon and extreme thanks must go to Anton La Grange who ran this salon with a dine tooth comb and with exceptional efficiency. Results will be posted within the next week. It must be understood that when a club is the hosting club and internal judges are involved in that particular category, then our members cannot receive the top awards, they will receive acceptances if applicable in the category. If the category had external judges then COM's will be applicable to members if they receive them. I have asked Nico to attach an article I wrote some years ago on "What is a Salon" so that you as members will understand a bit more (Click here).

Nikon will be installing a new projector in their premises very soon. This projector will be an HD projector - High Definition which means that we will need to change the size of our images when entering them into the club - the majority of the clubs in South Africa are now going this route, many have already implemented it and Photovault copes with it very well. Also, when you enter Salons overseas, many of them are HD now. Instead of your images being 1024 x 768, it will now be 1920 x 1080 - remember you go back to your original image and resize it accordingly, please do not try and resize your 1024 x 768 to the larger size as you will lose pixels and definition. We will keep you informed as to when you will move over to this size, probably for the April images. Don't panic about it, there is always help at hand.

Our guest speaker for March will be Anne d'Oliveira - some of you may remember that she was with us in November and due to technical issues she could not share with us the AV's that her and Frans Jesche had prepared for us, which I know and have heard are something to experience. We look forward to all working well this time round.

We are needing as much assistance as possible with the club due to various commitments that the present committee have from time to time and it is necessary to call on assistance when and where we can. Please if you feel you have expertise in a particular field, please feel free to contact me.

The club continues to go from strength to strength and will almost be a year old but we still need to put a lot of things in place for the continuance of the success of the club. I am always available to help and assist when and where I can with any queries.

The closing date on Photovault for the remote judging images is Wednesday 13 March and for the set subject Saturday 16 March - Photovault is already open, please get your images in as soon as possible.

Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 20 March at 19:00 and remember it is the 3rd Wednesday of every month that we meet.

President - Midrand Camera Club
Tel no: 082 892 6250

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