Monday 15 September 2014

PSSA Annual Congress Report - PSSA North Gauteng

Since coming back from Congress I have been asked by some members and clubs in this Region how Congress went plus various aspects on certain other matters of concern. I decided to give you a summary to date. There will be images and a report in the next edition of “Image” as well as being kept up to date with all changes on our website which is always kept up to date on a regular basis.

Congress went very well with very exciting speakers and presentations both from our local people and from overseas presenters. I was privileged to be in charge for part of the time of Praveen and Prakuti Kumar (father and daughter) from India. They really enjoyed the Kruger Park, so much so that I had, in the way into the Park to stop for every Impala on the way (ha ha), we get so blasé about our Impalas and we know they do produce some lovely images when captured at the right moment and in the beautiful light.

There were two interesting speakers from SanParks, the one especially on the Rhino Poaching which is a huge problem in SA and it is not getting any better unfortunately so we must all do what we can in the efforts to “Save the Rhino”. One event happened the day I chose to take myself off and sit at Sunset Dam near Lower Sabie. The SanParks helicopter flew overhead quickly, then the police drove past very quickly in their vehicle and when we all looked over to the right, the vultures were flying around in abundance. This was confirmed later to me that an incident had actually happened that day.

The exhibitions of the various prints were really superb and Hein Washchefort’s needs a very special mention – it was something completely different but was presented very professionally and please if you get a chance to see it, please make an effort to do so as Hein will be exhibiting in various places around the country.

The workshops presented were as always very informative and interactive and practical.

The tributes paid to Barrie Wilkens by various members and presenters was special and I am sure meant a lot to his family and close friends at Congress. For me I really enjoyed some of his AVs which many of us have never seen before. As we know his wildlife AVs have always been great but the ones that stood out for me were his ones “A Tribute to Diana” and of his Granddaughters which he called “Thank Heaven for Little Girls” – maybe I am a bit biased as I was a great fan of Diana and I have two lovely granddaughters.

The food, the camaraderie and the meeting of old and new friends is always very special about Congresses and in many ways makes Congresses gel so much.

I am sure the organising committee and those heavily involved in the organising of the whole Congress have enjoyed this past week just chilling out and trying to get back to normal. They certainly did a great job.


All outstanding certificates and badges for my Region will be couriered to me by Helen Wilkins ASAP and I will make sure that you all receive them.

The Interclub – results will be coming out soon where you will see where you as a Club came overall plus the individual results per image. Bloemfontein won overall.

Website – AFO was the winner – well done to AFO

E-Newsletter – was won by Vanderbylpark.

Hard copy – was won by Boksburg.

Anne d’Oliveira is working hard on getting them all together and I am sure they will be published in this coming week.

Salons – 2016 – there will be less salons in the year as it was felt that there are too many salons scheduled per year. Also you are now only allowed to have 5 acceptances of an image both in colour and mono entered into salons. Once you have had 5 acceptances per image you must not enter it again into another salon in that year. (These matters came out from the AGM and Forum at Congress). All info in this regard was posted on PSSA’s Facebook page recently. Francois Rousseau is still the coordinator for Salons. Outstanding medal winners who are still waiting on medals from the various Salons over the years due to them having gone lost in the post etc., must contact Laeticia Kenny as she is preparing a list to get this matter solved as soon as possible. As she is our Facebook coordinator, this notice was also put on PSSA’s Facebook page recently.

JAP will be going forward very soon – Francois Roux is now heading up this Committee, I also will be serving on this Committee.

Many of the delegates really felt that Wildlife Congresses should be considered more often which was certainly noted.

This was PSSA’ 60th Congress so the 61st Congress will be held in Swellendam from 10-15 August which is the canola season in that part of SA. Put these dates in your diary now but as always updates will be continually updated on our website.

That is as much as I can give you at this time on some of the Congress feedback, we certainly got a lot of positiveness about the Congress from the delegates who attended.

With regard Regional News – we will be sorting out Gauteng North Interclub very soon – this will be AFO’s responsibility as they won it last year.

I will be visiting the relatively new club at Hartebeesport Dam on 7 October as I have been invited to judge there and Bosveld on 2 December for their AGM and hopefully will get visits in to all the other clubs in the not too distant future all circumstances permitting.

Please also diarise 30 Oct-2 Nov – Photo and Film Expo at the Coca Cola Dome as PSSA is having a stand there again as always when many of the images that were on exhibit at Congress plus the winners of the various competitions will also be displayed.

On a more serious note from me, I would like all you guys to start identifying and looking for someone who could take over my job from next year when nominations for the Regional Directors come into play which I think is around May/June as I wont be standing for re-nomination in this position. I will serve you to the best of my ability to the end of my term of office which is next year but feel it is time for a much younger person with new approaches and new ideas to take over this job. Please feel free to discuss this with me at any time.

Thank you as always for your support and help – I do think this is a great Region with great photographers in it and I certainly would love to see it continue in that vain and going forward even further for the benefit of photography in all aspects.

Please do not hesitate to call me, send me a mail if you need assistance in anyway but hopefully we will see you all or as many as possible at our Region’s Interclub evening which will be communicated to you soon.


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