Wednesday 17 September 2014

Set Subject for October 2014

Here is the definition for the Set Subject for October 2014:

Doors, gates and portals must convey heavy emphasis on the target subjects. Periphery subjects can be included in photos, as long as those periphery subjects are a clear secondary component in the composition and/or do not distract primary focus of the subject doors, gates and portals. It should be absolutely clear that a door(s), gate(s) and portal(s) are the primary subject in such a photo. The above guidelines are met on the premise that the photographer feels that the structure's full body of doors should be construed as the subject and to accept or reject any photos on that basis. Photos depicting, for example a stable primary subject, or satisfying the definition of a target subject (Doors, Gates and Portals) will be a decision of the judge. NO MANIPULATION. 

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