Monday 6 May 2013

Newsletter - May 2013



Hi Everyone

Sorry to have missed last month’s meeting but by all reports it was once again an enjoyable evening.

Thank you also to all for your messages and prayers in the recent passing away of my Mum.

The Photographic fraternity has just lost a very dear friend last week very suddenly.  Many of you may not have known her so well but she was the past editor of the Image Magazine of the Photographic Society of South Africa – Toni Ballotta, as well as having served on the Board of the Society for many years.   She will be solely missed, many of us have very good memories of her and her work which was an inspiration to us all.  Midrand Camera Club have extended their condolences to her family.

The outing to the Lion and Rhino Park, our first outing as a Club, despite the weather, was a lovely opportunity for us all to enjoy the camaraderie of one another in a different environment.   Thank you to Ken for organising this and the grapevine tells me that there is another outing in the planning stage.

Photovault is open already for your images.  The open section closes on 15 May and the Set Subject, which is Creative Landscapes (definition in your recent programme sent out to all sometime ago and also on Photovault) is 18 May.  We look forward as always to sharing and experiencing your images.   The guest presenter and judge on the Club evening on 22 May will be Johan Hosten, a very experienced photographer.   We look forward to his presentation on “Creative Landscapes”.

We co-opted two new members onto the Committee to assist us as it was getting difficult for us to cope with all the duties.

They will fill the following Portfolios :

  • Pierre Smith – Assistant Projectionist to Nico.   Pierre’s email address is, contact tel no. 072 169 9902.   
  • Elsie Nel – Secretary/New Members and assistant to Bibi as Treasurer -, contact tel no. 076 834 2930.

I thank them both for taking on these duties.

May is a difficult month, hence the reason we had to change the Club night, as the majority of the Committee are going to be in and out of internet and contact reach – you know what photographers are like when opportunities come along to get away to take photographs, it is very difficult to turn them down.  I would like to give you details for contacts just in case you have any problems until our next meeting.

Ken and Bibi leave for a 3 month vacation in the UK and will leave on 16 May, we wish them an enjoyable trip with lots of exciting photographic opportunities.  Contact details until then (Ken) 083 387 3448, (Bibi) 083 447 7486.

Pierre and Elsie also out of contact for the next six to eight weeks – also on a great photographic tour.

Nico will be out of contact from 13 May until 16 May and we wish him well in the Sani to Sea Mountain Bike Race.   His No. is 082 900 8569.

I will be out of contact from 11 May until 20 May hopefully taking some landscape shots in Cyprus.

Other members of the Committee who I know will be willing to assist if necessary between all the dates as stated above are:

  • Anton -  084 442 4442
  • Francois – 072 538 7555
  • Sarel – 071 895 7737


Midrand Camera Club was asked to host part of this festival, which will be taking place the week-end before in Paternoster in the Cape.  Audio Visuals from all over the world will be shown.  This function will only be a one day event here at the Nikon premises from 09.00 a.m. until 16h00.  A small fee will be charged due to a light lunch being served.   Further details will be notified to you very soon, as well as on the PSSA Web site.   You will require to book for this event as it is for all clubs in the Gauteng area. This type of event is extremely inspiring and encouraging when you see the work being done in this media from all over the world.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 22 May.

Best wishes.

Email address:
Cell No. 082 892 6250

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